3 Effective Techniques To Lean Body Mass
Many of you maybe wondering, there are many more than five ways to get a better looking body.
Well, i completely agree...
But are you using the most effective techniques, that is the question you should be asking.
No worries, you are in the right place at the right time.
In this post i'm going to cover the top 3 most effective ways to get the most lean body mass you can possibly get.
If you would like some help, highly suggest looking at this, it's recommended by all the fitness models and body builders. >>Click hear to unlock the secrets
Well, i completely agree...
But are you using the most effective techniques, that is the question you should be asking.
No worries, you are in the right place at the right time.
In this post i'm going to cover the top 3 most effective ways to get the most lean body mass you can possibly get.
If you would like some help, highly suggest looking at this, it's recommended by all the fitness models and body builders. >>Click hear to unlock the secrets
Lets get started.
Number 3
Regular exercise - Yes this is very simple but can prove to be the most effective technique used. I don't mean cardio or weight lifting once a day, week or month. In terms of regular exercise i mean training at least 3-5 times a week for minimum 30 mins of high intensity. This out burst alone can increase your metabolism, which can aid you to gaining more of a lean body mass.
For example Mon-Fri you do a different exercise each day. So Monday could be simple running on the treadmill, but change the speed of it every so often so you are working up a sweat.
Tuesday you could have a spinning class or bike at home, and just like the treadmill, vary the speed you are going at.
Wednesday body weight circuit without stopping for 30 mins, this will ensure lean body mass as all muscles are targeted through... push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, bur-pees and pull-ups. do 5 reps of each, then 30 seconds sprint on the spot and repeat this for 30 mins
Then Thursday and Friday you simple go back to the start with Monday's and Tuesday's workout.
Take a look at the video below for a little insight.
Number 2
Drinking plenty of water - Yes another simple way to change your body. as the average amount of water you should drink is 2-2.5 liters a day for athletes double the amount as with regular exercise the more dehydrated you become. Your muscles need water, to flush out all the toxins they have and also to loosen them up as well, preventing soreness, cramps and stiffness between the joints.
Try this... every morning when you wake up, have 1 full glass of water before breakfast, and a full glass before lunch and dinner as well. This will help you stop eating more than you should as well on a daily basis and will also give you a much leaner body. It's hard for all people get a lean body mass but it's more difficult for individuals to maintain it, and this is one technique that is guaranteed to help you.
Here's a better insight for you in the video.
Number 1
Healthy diet - I know you hear this all the time, but it's true and can't be much more honest then that
Especially for everyone who's in the gym all the time, here's a statistic that will make you think, 70% of your ideal body is due to what you eat. So this is important to consider in gaining a leaner body. So a lot of your effort in the gym may go to waste in having muscle definition.
Try this... in your meals you should have at least 1.5 times your body weight in protein gain muscle tone and definition. at least half of the plate should be carbohydrates, along with 0.05 times your body weight in fats. Applying this information can aid you to having a lean body mass in a month.
Snacks should be either fruits of nuts, maybe the occasional yogurt (Greek yogurt)
Well there you have it the top 3 most effective techniques in gaining the body of your dreams. It is possible without a doubt, it depends on the individual if they have the mindset to achieve it and then maintain their lean body.
But... it gets a lot easier here. Honestly the success people have had using this is absolutely incredible >>Try it here to change your life
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