The Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat

Want To Know The Best Exercises To Lose Belly Fat?

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Before we get into today's topic >CLICK HERE< to find out the secrets to  losing belly fat.

OK so...
Many of you may actually be wondering what is the best exercises to lose belly fat?
I'm here to tell you it's not just one exercise....but a combination of a few that makes a short but intense workout.
As you can see from the image above yes this is a 13 minute circuit workout.

But with a twist.
You see all exercises target your abs with limited rest. This will aid a much leaner and flatter belly in a few short weeks.

Related image

Ready for it...

You simply tense your core while doing the following exercises:
 - Sit-ups
 - Plank

But here is how to do them both effectively so you can see the best results, but you will feel the burn after a few minutes.


Most people do this exercise wrong and there are many advert which show that to lose belly fat using these electrical abdominal belts, which "claims" to do the same work as 500 sit-ups in less than 10 minutes.

But this exercise done correctly and effectively can prove to be one of the best exercises to lose belly fat. So to complete the sit-up, lay on the ground with knees bent at 90 degrees. Have your feet shoulder width apart and keep your feet flat on the ground at all times. This will take tension of your hip flexors while completing the sit-up and target your abs more. now perform the sit-up as normal but without using momentum to get your body up.

Take a look at the video below which explains it further.

The Plank

The plank for some can be considered to be the most difficult and the most easiest exercise across all athletes. However it's recognized as one of the best exercises to lose belly fat

So to complete this plank, many people do it for as long as they can, but the most effective technique to really engage the abs is to do it for a short duration. For example do the plank for 10 seconds then rest for 3 seconds, and repeat this for a few minutes. Your likely to have better form on a plank with short duration as opposed to a long duration due to the abdominal muscles hitting fatigue.

Here's a video to further explain the benefits.

Together these are the best exercises to lose belly fat, again it's best to do them both in a 10-15 minute circuit for best results.
So spend 5 minutes doing sit-ups, 30 seconds doing the exercise and 30 seconds rest, the move to the plank after a minute rest and complete the plank, 10 seconds then 3 seconds rest, as often as possible and as much as you can.

If you would like a better insight to becoming more lean take a look at my other post here >Top 3 ways To Get Lean Body Mass

Likewise, here is the best solution for you >CLICK HERE<

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